I'm Sylia. A blogger, recipe developer and food photographer.
... on a mission to make you fall in love with Greek Mediterranean flavors, one delicious bite at a time.
Picture a festive table, stretching as far as the eye can see, adorned with glorious, soul-satisfying dishes. A symphony of laughter, teasing, familial (and sometimes less familial) chatter, the clinking of glasses, and wishes echoing all over the place. Till the dawn!
My love affair with cooking began in the heart of this joyful chaos. Raised in a household that breathes the traditions of Greek Mediterranean cooking, every recipe carries the weight of family history.
Why keep those treasures to myself when good food should be shared? This blog is my contribution to all those who love Greek Mediterranean cuisine and they want to cook like a Greek and eat like a Greek.
My story
I left the corporate world because it simply wasn't my cup of tea. Not to mention a newborn and a 5-year-old waiting desperately for their mother (and father but this is someone else's story) to come home at best half an hour before night sleep.
Being a stay-at-home mom was one of the smartest decisions I've made in my life. I desperately needed a new purpose, definitely a more aspirational and creative one.
It wasn't too hard to find it. Cooking has been always a way to channel my creativity and to express my love to my family and friends. I was so excited: I had like a zillion recipes, years of practice, my mother (best cook of all time), and an army of aunts (you are amazing too, girls!) standing by for any kind of cooking advice. The most important? The passion for sharing!
30 Days of Greek Food was born in March 2017. Sure, the journey here was a rollercoaster, a mix of challenges and triumphs (mixed with occasional desperation), but every stumble along the way has just added flavor to this incredible adventure. Today, 30 Days of GF stands as a thriving food blog serving up mostly traditional Greek recipes and a sprinkle of Mediterranean-inspired delights.
And guess what? This is just the appetizer. Exciting things are simmering away, and I can't wait to dish them out! Stick around for the tasty journey ahead. Cheers to good food and great company!
The girl behind the apron
Here we are! The crazy duo: a Greek chick, and an Italian guy. Because life is so much better when you find your match in insanity (plus, enriching my recipe repertoire with Italian food is probably the icing on the cake), right?
But it wasn't enough. We had to double the madness. And we really did it! These little fellows have no match: restless, super-active, and -never too tired to tear the house down- boys.
Kidding aside, we are a great team. We enjoy traveling, hiking, skiing, and eating glorious food.
Cooking isn't my only passion. The food blog helped me discover the exciting world of photography. Food photography is my number one priority but I also love portraits and street photography.
Last but not least, running is my ultimate outlet. I've been running for almost 15 years and I am an 8-time marathon finisher (I dare runners to finish the Athens Authentic Marathon) and keep counting. Told you, guys, crazy chick!